Does Stretching Help?

Does stretching help your brain?

Your brain benefits from a stretch as much as your muscles do, according to some recent studies. Stretching can help your memory, reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and may even help you think more clearly. You may even be able to stretch yourself happy.

Does stretching improve mood?

Regular stretching can relieve both physical and mental stress while improving our quality of life. The benefits of stretching extend from head to toe, affecting our mood and energy level as well as our muscle tone. Once you stand and stretch, you begin to feel better.

Does stretching give you energy?

Stretching exercises can help you relax, release muscle tension and perhaps even increase your energy level. Stretching increases circulation of blood and oxygen to your muscles, which can help improve energy levels, increase vitality and well-being and encourage waste removal from your tissues.

Does stretching relieve stress?

Stretching improves elasticity and mobility, which allows for relaxed movement and less tension. Stress restricts blood flow, causing tension in your muscles and lower back. Stretching stimulates receptors in the nervous system that decrease the production of stress hormones.

What chemical does stretching release?

Not only does stretching clear your mind by allowing you to focus on your body, it also releases endorphins. Blood flow to the muscles increases after a long stretch. Muscles are controlled by the nervous system, which has two main components: ‘sympathetic’ (fight or flight) and ‘parasympathetic’ (rest and digest).

What if I do not stretch?

Not stretching will only increase tightness in the body, allowing muscles to pull on joints, causing major pain.

Which is better for you, stretch or exercise?

Both! Stretch along with exercising will help keep soreness at bay and move your progress along faster when exercising with a specific purpose to balance your muscles and achieve perfect posture.

Can you over stretch?

Yes! It is possible to over-stretch, with the resulting risk of muscle, tendon, or ligament damage. Also, too much flexibility – hypermobility – can be detrimental.

What is the safest way to stretch?

Stretch in a smooth movement, without bouncing. Bouncing as you stretch can injure your muscle and contribute to muscle tightness. Hold your stretch. Breathe normally and hold each stretch for about 30 seconds; in problem areas, you may need to hold for around 60 seconds. To deepen the stretch, push against the stretch band for the count of ten then relax and resume the stretch. You should notice that you have a fuller range of motion. You can do this move three times.

We work with you to build (exercise) and stretch specific muscles to line up the joints and hold them in their proper place.  Naturally and permanently.

If you want to take charge of your health this year, call us now and get enrolled in one of our programs today!                  407-408-7588            www.FitworksPerfect