Childhood Pains

Childhood Pains:

Ever since my youngest childhood memories, I remember my low-back hurt. Not only did I have back pain, but I also couldn’t do the splits like all the other girls did.  When I rode my bike, my left inner thigh hurt so bad I could barely peddle my bike and it made clicking noises when I peddled. I had frequent leg aches, too. Not It wasn’t until my later adult years that I realized it was a bicycle accident that knocked my left S. I. Joint out of place and my muscles weren’t strong enough to pull it back into place. It simply got worse!

As I grew older, my aches and pains grew worse!  While shopping with my mom, I would have to sit down often because my low-back hurt so bad and I needed to stretch it out! My legs hurt so much, I had to elevate them nightly and my sleep was interrupted from the pain along with restless leg syndrome! If I sat down to do something for any length of time, I had a muscle near my left shoulder blade that would spasm. This sent me to the E.R many times. I had been diagnosed with scoliosis as a young child so this was why it hurt there.

Adult Pains:

As a young adult, my dentist diagnosed me with TMJ Syndrome. Lovely, another problem to deal with.

To add to that, once I started having babies, my back pain escalated!  My low-back hurt constantly and cracked and popped when I twisted or moved.  My bowels never moved daily.  So, I had problems with chronic constipation my entire life, up to that point.  And, as if that weren’t enough, a new problem began rearing its ugly head…sciatica!!

It began slowly with one leg aching deeply for a few days and then it would go away and the other leg would ache.  Back and forth, one leg would ache deep to the bone and then the other leg would ache the same.  For years I dealt with that pain.  My back got worse and worse so I went to all of the “specialists” that my insurance would pay for. At this point I was put on medications such as Vicodin and muscle relaxants like Flexeril.

Doctors, Tests, and Therapies:

I made the rounds with doctors who wanted to do testing of all sorts.  Nothing was found on my MRI’s.  The Doctor told me that an MRI was “like taking a photo of a ringing phone.  You could see the phone, but you couldn’t see it was ringing”. I had the nerves of my legs tested in Neurology and that showed nothing. I even got sent to have a biopsy of my stomach…something about absorption of vitamin B12 and the coating of the nerves.  All they found was ulcers from the pain meds!  Big surprise, there!

I then went out of pocket to a Chiropractor.  He put me in a back brace and saw me twice a day for a week! I had to lay flat on my back with my legs elevated in between visits that week.  I couldn’t even rotate at my hips; I was so tight! I ended up going to 3 different Chiropractors over the next five years looking for permanent relief.

I was sent to Physical Therapy a total of 4 different times by 4 different doctors.  Nothing was helping me.

I was to the point where I could not sit for longer than 15 minutes or my legs felt like they were on fire!  So, I stood at my desk at work. I stopped traveling, going to movies, and found going out to dinner painful. When I did sit, I had to sit on my right hip and not my left.  Basically, I found I keep my body in motion at all times or else I hurt!  I was not a happy camper! BUT, I AM NOW!!  “HOW”, YOU ASK?

Fitworks Perfect Posture®.

Please, let me tell you about it!  It was the best investment in me that I have done…EVER!

Don’t laugh, but I met Gary on a blind date! Yep!  I had no idea what he did for a living.  I simply knew he was cute!  So, when he began telling me what he was doing to help people, I was so excited I could barely continue to sit still!  I felt like maybe he could help me!

So, we started working out together utilizing his programs.  I had a lot of problems!  He said I was one of his worst cases!

I had all of these issues:

Forward Head.

Hunch back.

Sway Back.

Tailbone out.

SI Joint out and hyper-mobile.

Knocked Knees.

Outward feet. 


I needed help so badly and I knew it.  You see, I had come to the conclusion that the doctors had missed what I thought was bone cancer in my left leg (because that is where the pain had finally settled, from hip to ankle, deep bone-aching pain all the time), so I concluded that I was either going to 1.) Die from bone cancer or 2.) have my leg amputated.  And at that point, I felt either option was OK with me because at least I wouldn’t hurt anymore. THAT is how desperately I hurt!

I began my sessions with Gary.  I noticed each week I was able to sit for longer periods of time than usual! My legs didn’t ache as bad as before, either. It took me about 6 sessions then, one day I was sitting down to do some work on my computer at home and I sat longer than I should have. My legs felt like someone had stuck a hot poker on them just like when I sat for longer than 15 minutes!  But this time, I noticed that I had been sitting for 5 hours!!!  Luckily for me, I had a session scheduled at Fitworks Perfect Posture and I couldn’t get there fast enough!

He could see I was in a lot of pain upon my arrival.  He was determined to get me out of pain during my one-hour session. It only took Gary 20 minutes to get me out of pain!  He would have me do a few reps of one exercise and ask me what I felt and then have me do a few different exercises all the while checking with me on the pain status.

No drugs!   Simply exercise!

After about 3 weeks of working with Gary, I got to the point where I decided to take myself off all drugs! I stopped taking Celebrex.  I threw away the Flexeril and Vicodin!  If I woke up in the wee hours of the morning with a leg ache, I simply got up and went into the living room and did several reps from my ab workout and the pain was gone!  I went right back to bed and fell asleep again!

I could sit all day long if I needed to, which meant that I was able to travel again!  And I did! My first long plane flight was on our honeymoon!  We flew from Utah to Florida! That was a long time ago!

Here’s part of the hidden side effects of Fitworks Perfect Posture…my bowels work daily for the first time in my life!!! Why?  Blood and nerves are no longer cut off from my spine to my lower extremities and organs!

I got my sexy back, too!  Went from a size 14 pants to a size 8!!!  My pelvis was tilted forward which caused my stomach to stick out forward.  Also, we tightened up the pelvic girdle to hold my S. I. Joints in a stable position.  It looked as if I had lost a ton of weight!  I hadn’t…I actually gained weight!  Who cares!?  I look and feel better than I ever have! AND YOU CAN, TOO!!!