All Trunk No Junk?

We have all heard the phrase, “I got ‘junk’ in my trunk”, which is a fun way to say, “I have a nice, round, sexy, butt.”  Jennifer Lopez comes to mind with that phrase.  However, there are some who have the exact opposite problem.  All “trunk” and NO “junk”!  You see it a lot in men who need suspenders to hold their pants up because a belt won’t work. Women are also at risk.

Not only does it look a bit odd, but it becomes more and more painful as the years go by.

Let’s discuss what happens to the entire body when a person has the condition medically labeled “hypolordosis” or “flat-back”.

The pelvis is the guidepost for the body.  Where the pelvis goes, so goes the rest of the body.

We know that those who have knocked knees more times than not, have hyperlordosis, which means their spine leans too far into the body (anterior tilt or sway-back). When the pelvis tilts too far inward, it directs the femur bones too far inward with it, causing the knees to turn inward, as well (crushing the arch of the foot under the extra weight).  With flat-back, we have the complete opposite problem, the spine leans too far away from the body (posterior tilt).  Of course, the pelvis then misdirects the femur outward, causing bowed legs (genu varum) a condition where one or both legs curve outward at the knees. This creates a wider space than normal between the knees and ankles.

Why does this happen?  A few reasons.  One reason is posture is copied unknowingly by toddlers and youngsters.  They see their family members moving about and they mimic those movements while they learn to walk, maneuver around, and perform tasks.  Another reason is the physical things a person is doing throughout the day, the movements of a cowboy for example, is building specific muscles of the pelvis, pulling it back and out of proper alignment and causing the knees to move outward with it. The vertebrae of the spine are now too close together in the front (anterior) side which can cause pain and discomfort.

To learn more about what we are talking about here, go to



This is how bulging and herniated disc injuries are created.  The front side of the vertebrae of the spine are too close causing the disc to have uneven pressure.  The nerves running down and out of the spine to the body get strangled, injured, bruised, even trapped and this is excruciating! The femoral nerve is the largest nerve of the lumbar plexus. It originates from the dorsal divisions of the L2-L4 ventral rami. It has a role in motor and sensory processing in the lower limbs. It controls the major hip flexor muscles, as well as knee extension muscles. When this nerve is restricted, life becomes MISERABLE!

Some bulges, herniations, and restrictions must have surgery to repair but most can be healed naturally.

At Fitworks Perfect Posture® Natural Pain Solutions, we work with people who have these issues but, we like to get to them BEFORE they reinjure themselves.  We call it “Pre-hab”, and it works!  Everyone is different so, it may not work immediately, but give it time, it will work. Everything is a process, even with natural remedies.

We have been talking about what is happening below the pelvis, but what is happening above it?

Because the pelvis is tilted to the back (posterior), it pitches the top of the body back with it.  The head needs to be positioned forward in a front moving position so, the shoulders and upper back (thoracic) bend forward to help be able to see properly. This causes kyphosis of the upper back (hunch back) and upper cross syndrome (forward head).

There are a few times we have seen flat back combined with knocked knees and sway back combined with bowed legs but, it is rare.

Whatever you are doing to your body throughout your day, wouldn’t you like to have a program that helps you Maintain the Balance? Intelligent exercise with a purpose, coming into your home twice a week, leading you safely through your workout. That is what we all need!

To get enrolled today, call or text 407-408-7588. We will speak with you and possibly do an online evaluation with you (free) and get you signed up for 104 sessions so you can get going this week!

Gary Rumel has over 22 years of experience as a Physiologist. He was first a Certified Personal Trainer, but he wanted to help those with back injuries, so he became a Licensed Massage Therapist to learn more about the anatomy. With additional education with Reebok University in New York, he was able to pioneer the Fitworks Perfect Posture® method.