Posture is Important

Why is Posture Important?

“Posture!?!  Grandma always told me to stand up straight and pull my shoulders back.  So what?  Who cares?” That’s what most people laughingly say when they hear the word “posture”.  But there is so much more to posture than what grandma thought!

Think about it for a moment:

What causes pain?  One muscle working harder than the others around it.  Joints being pulled out of alignment causing nerve and blood supply restrictions.

What happens to the organs of the body when this happens? When the organs of the body are not getting the proper nerve or blood supplies, the organs are not able to properly complete their functions.  Stomachs may not properly digest. Lungs are not able to fill with life-giving oxygen. Intestines may not be able to work with regularity. Bladders are not able to maintain continence.  Ovaries may be blocked by the pressure of other local organs falling onto them causing infertility.

What could happen to appendages of the body if proper balance and posture is not maintained? In the arms, hands, legs, and feet there can be coldness, tingling, burning, and numbness along with diminished or complete loss of use. Not to mention dull aches or shooting pain!

What is different about Fitworks Perfect Posture®?  With our exclusive monthly online membership, the first and most important thing you will notice is that we never load joints. Loading the spine or S.I. joints is a huge issue we see in all health programs.  We have found that you cannot heal the problem if you are loading the joints that are in peril, you only cause more damage.  When that happens, people stop going to the gym or to yoga, for example.  People stop golfing, walking, dancing, and traveling. They become ‘couch potatoes’ gaining weight and soon their health declines steadily. More and more prescriptions are added to their daily intake with more and more side effects to their health which call for more prescriptions. It becomes a vicious cycle, and your lifestyle goes downhill from there.

Can I reverse this course?  If you are already on this unbalanced and unhealthy path, the answer is “YES! You CAN change the direction you are going!”  The human body is a miraculous thing! It was created to heal itself “when in a state of ease”.  Ease meaning, everything is in its proper place working together at its highest efficiency.  Dis-ease being the exact opposite.

Muscles are the largest part of the body.  They hold the body in its proper place and move it around for exploring.  Without muscles, we would be a bag of loose bones and organs laying in a heap of skin on the ground, unable to move and nothing ever being held in any proper order!

Why are muscles so ignored?  The pharmaceutical industry hasn’t ignored the muscles completely.  They offer muscle relaxants and pain medications which they are happy to prescribe. They tell you there is nothing they can do except wait for it to get worse and then they can give you a few shots of cortisone and then eventually, surgery.  These are all band aids, not solutions.

The best kept secret.  We have proven since the year 2000 that you can have control of your health!  You can reverse damage naturally by identifying the origin of the problem and then simply balancing the muscles of the body!  We specialize in specific, subtle, safe, and highly effective exercises and stretches! This is intelligent exercise with a purpose!

It’s also a process, and it takes time.  Remember, it took you an entire lifetime to get to the point where you are now. However, it doesn’t take a lifetime to get back to healthy, either!  You can choose to join our highly affordable online monthly membership program or if you have chronic issues and want more immediate results, you can opt for personal one-on-one online sessions and feel the results within weeks!

The next time you see your grandma, tell her about Fitworks Perfect Posture® Natural Pain Solutions. Tell her to call 407-408-7588 today to schedule her free evaluation session!  It’s not just about pulling back your shoulders!  It is SO MUCH MORE!

Gary Rumel is a Physiologist who pioneered his own method of finding the origins of pain and correcting Musculo-skeletal imbalances naturally.  In the year 2000, he was one of the first people to recognize the importance of posture and how it is directly responsible for most pain. 

Join the Fitworks Perfect Posture online monthly membership NOW at or call or text 407-408-7588 for  more information.