Fitworks Perfect Posture

The History of Fitworks Perfect Posture®

Gary had engineering and drafting backgrounds in his education allowing him to work in the pattern and manufacturing field.  As manufacturing began to move out of the USA, Gary realized he needed to find a new career and he had to work on people, not things. So, his new career couldn’t go overseas like manufacturing did.

He was amazed at the human body and saw it as a bio-mechanical machine.  He figured if he could work with making and improving things, why not work on improving the human body?

Step One:

First, he decided to become a Certified Personal Trainer.  He quickly passed all his certifications, and he began working at a local club.  While he was on the floor with his clients, he saw a lot of trainers around him who were careless with their clients and many times, he saw other clients getting hurt on the floor.  Back injuries were the most common injury.

Because Gary is a person who wants to help others, he would many times talk with the injured person, and he would offer to try to help them.  They would begin working out with Gary and he would be able to make their back injury feel better very quickly, they were pain-free and able to work out again!  They started calling him “The Back Specialist”.  Soon people who had back injuries from all over the area were finding Gary on the training floor asking for his help.  New problems always presented themselves and Gary would begin to realize he needed more extensive training.

Step Two:

While he was in Florida, he found a man named Bob Esquire, who introduced Gary to Reebok University in New York City where Gary graduated from Reactive Neuro-Muscular Training, Biomechanics of the Body, and Mobility and Stability of Joints, just to name a few.  For the next three years, Gary flew to New York City for a few weeks to take classes and then flew back home to practice his new techniques on his clients in Utah.

Reebok University was a new concept, and they were very good at what they were teaching except they were teaching too much to their students and they didn’t have the proper authority or certifications or even licensing to back up the education they were giving so they were told to disband, leaving all their students with a lot of education and no fancy letters behind their names.

Step Three:

Gary decided he had to learn more about the anatomy of the human body, so he enrolled in the Myotherapy College of Utah in the Massage Therapy course.  It was there he combined all his newfound knowledge.  While massaging a client’s back in college, he saw the muscle relax and the spine to move to center. This caused him to wonder what would happen if he built the weak muscle to hold the spine to center?

Gary went home with that new information cutting into his mind.  He saw a new puzzle and he was determined to solve it.  He purchased a human skeleton and a large volume of anatomy books from a retired doctor and began reading. Using large rubber bands, his skeleton, and his newly discovered knowledge, Gary began a quest to figure out if there was a way he could solve muscle-skeletal imbalances in the human body through exercise and stretch all while achieving his License in Massage Therapy.

Gary continued to work at the gym with his clients trying to solve each musculoskeletal issue.

A Doctor recommended he take his business off the training floor and into his own office with other like-minded professionals alongside him.  He decided it was a good idea, so he invited 3 other people with slightly different specialties to work alongside him in their own office. They called themselves Fitworks, LLC. and they all stayed busy. Gary heard more and more strange issues that caused chronic pain to his new clients causing him to “scratch his head” about. Soon, he would have a solution for every issue, and it would always work!

Step Four:

After about a year, Fitworks, LLC changed to Fitworks Corrective Therapy, LLC and Gary was on his own.

During this entire journey, Gary noticed that muscles hold the joints in their proper positions. Muscles are the largest part of the human body, and they hold the body together. If the muscles are out of balance, the joints are, too and that causes nerve and blood restrictions which causes pain.  So simple yet so effective! And posture is the key!

Step Five:

While Gary was on his journey to figuring out posture imbalances, Sherry had a lifetime of bad posture which caused more pain every year.  For those last 12 years especially, she was dealing with life debilitating, chronic pain.  After going through three Chiropractic offices, four rounds of Physical Therapy and a lot of medical tests done including MRI’s, CT scans, nerve testing on both legs, and having a stomach biopsy (there was a reason), no doctor had an answer to why Sherry had chronic back pain and sciatica down the left leg.  They just continued to load her up with medications.

Muscle relaxants were the first along with pain medications to be prescribed.  Medications to help her sleep were added and over time, she was told she had arthritis and given Celebrex to help with that.

Life had become miserable, and the prescriptions were not lifesaving at all.  Quite the opposite.  They were life-robbing. Sherry’s body was in deep pain all the time. Yes, moving hurt but, sitting or lying down hurt even worse! Driving or riding in a car was excruciating.  Life had become a long list of pain and prescriptions.  It really isn’t surprising that she ended up on anti-depressants, is it?  Welcome, Wellbutrin.

They met by chance on a blind date. She asked him what he did for a living and when he told her she gasped to herself, “I THINK THIS GUY CAN HELP ME!”

And so, he did!  After only three weeks of working with Gary twice a week for about an hour each session, Sherry could sit down for the first time in over a decade without pain!  Her back pain went away, and the sciatica backed off so quickly she almost forgot she ever had it!

Step Six:

“He fixed me, so I fixed him!” Sherry always says! They have been married ever since and work together in Fitworks Perfect Posture®, LLC.

It has been many years since Gary first started Fitworks in 2000.  He has always been able to help his clients and they have always been happy for it.

It takes longer for some clients and less for others.  It simply depends on the extent of the imbalances along with the effort put into the sessions.

One thing is for sure, it works!

Fitworks Perfect Posture® offers personal virtual one-on-one sessions for immediate, targeted relief as well as a virtual monthly membership so you can work on your own, on demand. to sign up now! 407-408-7588 for more information.