Muscle Spasms

Fitworks Perfect Posture® vs. Chiropractic

People don’t realize it but when they have aches and pains or muscle spasms in their body, it’s a muscle imbalance that’s causing the problem.  You can tell someone has a muscle imbalance by their posture.  Poor posture equals pain 99% of the time.  The other one percent are just lucky, but it will catch up with them, eventually.

If you have ever had muscle spasms; if you have ever been given a muscle relaxant; if you have ever needed to have a massage to get through the week; if you have ever had to go to a Chiropractor for an adjustment, you have a muscle imbalance and that is the origin of your pain!

Why stick a band-aid on it when you can correct it permanently?

Muscle spasms are simply an over-worked, over-developed muscle that has had enough and is screaming for some relief!  They tighten up like a knot and hurt like heck because they are tired, and they can’t do it alone anymore!  They need the help of other muscles around them and/or of the opposing muscles to allow them to have a little time off.

Your body is built evenly front to back and left to right.  Each muscle has an opposite or opposing muscle to help move around evenly and fluidly.  An injury or even an activity can, over time cause muscle imbalances.

When people ask us what we do, the first thing we tell them is that we are not Chiropractors.  Then, we talk about building and stretching specific muscle groups to line up the joints and hold them there.  For some reason, the word “joints” loops everyone back to Chiropractor.  And they ask if we are Chiropractors, which we again say, “No”.

Question of the day: If Chiropractors are moving joints and Fitworks Perfect Posture® is moving joints; what’s the difference between the two?

When you see most Chiropractors, you are usually taken to a room where you are placed on a table, and they apply moist heat or maybe a tens unit is used, and sometimes you may need to be segmentally massaged on the affected area, simply to help the muscle relax.

The Chiropractor will visit you either on the same table or have you move into a different room so they can successfully manipulate the joint into the proper alignment.

Once the adjustments have been made, you are free to go on your way, pain free!

As soon as you sit up, move from the table, and go out to your car, your joint is more than likely on its way back out of alignment simply because the muscle is not strong enough to hold it in place and the stronger muscles are pulling that joint right back out of place.  You feel great for a little while but soon you find you are feeling the tingly sensations again and the pain comes back.  A few days later, you are back at the Chiropractor’s office for another much-needed adjustment!

At Fitworks Perfect Posture® we don’t touch you!  We evaluate your posture and that tells us exactly where to look for the problems.  Once we find the origin of the problem, we create a personal program especially for your issues and we work one-on-one with you privately to build the weak muscles and stretch and relax the overdeveloped muscles. Amazingly, the human body responds very rapidly to these safe yet subtle and effective exercises and stretches!

The muscles that were once weak become stronger and stronger every time you work out, pulling the joints into their proper positions.  The over-developed muscles are getting some much-needed help and attention with the newfound strength of the surrounding muscles along with the stretching. And all without the constant muscle spasms!

Within days and sometimes weeks, people are out of pain, and it doesn’t come back! You must work out enough to really strengthen the muscles to make sure the problem won’t come back unless you are doing something at work or in your activities that is causing the imbalance.  If that is the case, you must continue to work on your posture with a twice weekly exercise routine with Fitworks Perfect Posture®.

We have a monthly membership on our website that was created to help those who have either worked out privately to correct their issues and want to maintain their posture in a safe manner or those who have minor posture/pain issues who want a more affordable way to correct it.  Fitworks Perfect Posture® is a safe way to workout twice a week without loading joints or injuring yourself all while working out evenly, keeping the joints safe.

Chiropractic is immediate, temporary relief while Fitworks Perfect Posture® is a process you must go through but it is permanent. 

Golfing, dancing, tennis, are a few examples of activities that cause imbalances.

The best part is that after 12 private sessions with Fitworks Perfect Posture® all activity performances are enhanced because of better muscle balance and flexibility!

Short answer: Fitworks Perfect Posture® is a natural and permanent pain solution and you are free to move along with your life while Chiropractic is a temporary physical manipulation adjustment that in most cases, needs to continue.

In the case of accidents and you have a joint that was taken out of place in that accident, a Chiropractor is needed to properly manipulate that joint back into place.  If the muscle is strong and healthy enough to hold the joint in place, as it did before the accident, then it will once again hold.  Chiropractors are needed.

If you have been injured, Fitworks Perfect Posture® will work with you once your medical doctor releases you to safely exercise and stretch. We are not medical and do not pretend to be.

Gary Rumel is a Physiologist with decades of experience.  He pioneered the Fitworks Perfect Posture® method in the year 2000.

If you want a FREE EVALUATION, call 407-408-7588 today to schedule an appointment!  What have you got to lose, except your pain?