When You Stop Moving


It May Contribute to Life-Threatening Conditions

It May Increase the Risk of Osteoporosis

It May Increase the Risk of Thrombophlebitis

It May Cause Chronic Pain

It May Compromise the Immune System

Evidence shows that prolonged sitting is devastating to your health. It actively promotes dozens of chronic diseases, even if you’re very fit.

Because of sitting, your blood sugar levels, blood pressure, cholesterol, and toxic buildup all rise. The solution to these adverse events does not involve a prescription—all you need to do is get up and avoid sitting as much as possible! Never stop moving!

If you’ve been sitting down for a full hour, you’ve sat too long.

Did you know that within 90 seconds of simply standing up, the muscular and cellular systems that process blood sugar, triglycerides, and cholesterol—which are mediated by insulin—are activated? Never stop moving!

At the molecular level, the human body was designed to be active and on the move all day long. If you stop moving for extended periods of time, and it’s like telling your body it’s time to shut down and prepare for death!

At Fitworks Perfect Posture, we call it “Walking Rigor Mortis”. Never stop moving!



Whether it’s injury, a busy schedule or a holiday that has you resting, your body will really start to notice your inactivity after a week. For starters, your blood sugar levels will be elevated, which could eventually put you at a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease, and you’ll likely feel a little more fatigued.  Your metabolism will also be starting to suffer — even if you can’t yet see it on the scales or the way your clothes fit.  Your body’s ability to process fat will start to go within a week.



By the time it’s been a month your body’s alarm bells will be ringing!

After two to three weeks your body composition will start to change and at the four-week mark, you might see a decrease in your strength. As your muscle mass reduces, your metabolism will slow down and you’re basically priming your body for increasing its fat percentage.

Your bone health could also start to diminish.  Resistance training is great for bone health — the bone adapts to increases in load and force by getting denser and stronger.  If we are not loading the bone, its density will decrease and start to weaken.


A month off exercise will be particularly noticeable for people who are new to exercise.

If you’ve only been exercising for two-to-four months and you cease exercise for even a few weeks, your fitness gains could evaporate completely, and you could be back to the way you were pre-exercise.

The body craves movement, so if we’re not moving, everything starts to seize up and tighten up.



As the months without movement go by, your body will settle into a sedentary state and with that comes an increased risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Additionally, if you’ve foregone exercising outdoors, you may find your vitamin D levels are lower than they were previously.

Even if you’re injured it’s important to find ways of moving because it will help your body recover, while also keeping you mentally sharp.


If you’re finding it hard to get motivated, ease yourself into exercise with activities you enjoy.

Adapt to what your body is telling you on a certain day. There will be days when your body says, ‘I haven’t slept, I haven’t eaten and I’m really sore’. The worst thing you can do is try and smash yourself through a workout.  Your body does benefit from a break.  Our bodies need time to recover — it helps build fitness and strength. You can also burn fat during recovery as well.  However, rather than having a Netflix binge, you are better off going for a walk or doing a shorter, lower intensity session.


+  Walk daily

+  Work out with Fitworks Perfect Posture® every other day

+  Stretch your body every day


“By building and stretching specific muscle groups, the joints line up gradually for perfect posture.  A balanced body over time…All done naturally!”


Call today to schedule your FREE evaluation! 407-408-7588