Mind with a Body

You are a mind with a body, not a body with a mind.  You may not realize it, but your posture has a large impact on how you are perceived by others.  It also changes your body chemistry setting you up for either success or failure.

Judged by your posture? You have probably never even thought about this. In fact, studies have shown that your body language can influence the way you are perceived by others.  Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist from the Harvard Business School, determined that assuming a powerful stance can increase power hormones (testosterone) and decrease stress hormones (cortisol). If you can feel these physiological changes in yourself, it will be reflected in the way others perceive you.

From the outside, others judge you by what they see.

Posture begins from the ground up.  A lot of people these days walk with feet in an externally rotated position, or as we call it, “duck feet”.  Instead of walking with a confident stride and a spring in your step, this gait style can often resemble a shuffle. Walking like a duck, the body sways more than it should, giving the appearance of unsteadiness. This can leave an impression of “awkward and inflexible” with others.

There are a small few who have toes that turn inward, which we call “pigeon toe”.  They trip over their own feet so “clumsy and awkward” are the impressions left with others when they see this posture.

One of the biggest issues with the low back is one of the most awful of pelvic postural deviations, the anterior pelvic tilt.  We call that a “sway back” and most people have one.  Our bodies are supposed to have an arch in the curve of the lower back of about 2 inches deep.  The core has little control in this posture because the pelvis is swaying back forcing the stomach to protrude. Due to this type of pelvic position, the legs have limited hip extension, (the ability to move your leg behind your hip). This results in another waddling walk. The hips often rock excessively side to side. This posture makes your bum look larger and more protruding. The waddle walk that accompanies this posture also give off an uneasy and unsettled energy that we just covered.

With the advent of prolonged sitting, the predominant deviation of posterior pelvic tilt has morphed into a nonexistent lower back curvature. Posterior pelvic positions, or “flat back” posture as we like to call it, give no definition or shape to the body. Ever seen a dog with its tail between its legs? His pelvis is tucked under like a bad dog. That is a position of submission, and that shape lacks the look of strength and power to others.

Roundness in the upper back or thoracic area of the back has become so rampant, it is scary. What used to be a 60-year-old’s issue, has now translated to a 16-year-old’s problem. They are so rounded that it is easy to lose an inch or two in height. We may be the first generation to shrink in size, because of our poor posture.

This posture is called “hunch back” posture.  You immediately look older, lazy, and tired. Lack of confidence is the biggest defining factor of this posture type, which unfortunately now plagues most of our smart phone addicted population. This is seen by people as a cowering stance, therefore a person who lacks confidence.

And then there is the head and neck.  How can you fulfill your potential, when an inch of your height is hidden in your cervical spine? Forward head posture brings new meaning to “slouch”, which rhymes with “grouch”. Enough said. You are a mind with a body, not a body with a mind.

Do people judge good posture, too? Of course, they do! However, often it is not in the “wow you have amazingly strong scapula stabilizers” kind of way. Instead, it is in the “wow you are super cool and confident, and I want to be your friend” kind of way.

If your upper and lower halves are aligned correctly, you glide into a room with ease and self-assurance. Good posture exudes confidence. Good posture promotes good breathing and increased energy levels. Good posture reduces the chances of a painful life. Good posture helps to accentuate the best parts of you. Your posture defines you, and projects more than you might think.

So, can you see how your posture also tells others a whole lot about your personality? Your posture is triggering the release of hormones, both good and bad, into your body. Poor posture positions cause cortisol to be released and cortisol is a stress hormone. Cortisol allows belly fat to accumulate along your belly, waist, and back areas.  This causes a downward spiral in your attitude and health! Not to mention what it does to your “risk factor”.  You tend to play it safe and not take risks because you lack the confidence you need to make take them!

Good posture triggers good hormones to be released causing a confident and positive attitude inward and transferring outward to others as “success, intelligence, confidence, and energy”.  It also eliminates pain in your body.  When the joints are lined up in the proper position, there are no restrictions on blood and nerves!

Tony Robbins author, and life coach said during an on-stage conversation at Fortune magazine’s annual Brainstorm Health Conference,

“Most people try to change the mind … but when you change the body radically, you change the biochemistry, the state changes, and they make a shift,” he said. “I really believe that’s why I’ve lasted so long: I put myself in states where my body can put myself back in balance and heal.”

The strategy does not just extend to mental well-being, he argued: Improving your body language can lead to improved performance.  Tony recalls that for any one person or even a team to be successful,

“I’ve got to change the momentum,” Robbins said—”and the first place I need to change the momentum is physically.”

Mind over matter.  You are a mind with a body not a body with a mind.  The body was created to heal itself when in a state of “ease”.  This has been proven at Fitworks Perfect Posture® for over 23 years!

“By building specific muscle groups, the joints line up gradually for perfect posture.  A balanced body over time…all done naturally!”

Call today for a free evaluation.  407-408-7588